Friday, December 28, 2012

Could Hormones be in my Future?

I met with my doctor on the 13th this month for a physical, but the real reason was to ask her about potentially getting back on hormones.  I explained my situation with my dysphoria and how bad it has been getting - especially after I got diagnosed with Protein S Deficiency and had to stop hormones.  She listened intently then confessed that she too has a blood clotting disorder albeit not as deadly as mine and that her HRT (for menopause) was dangerous to her as well, but that if she didn't have HRT she couldn't function.  She knows the risks for herself, but to maintain her quality of life and her practice, she continued with her HRT.  She then admitted that it is probably much the same for me.  That while the risk to me is potentially great, the quality of life improvement may be worth it.  I told her that is exactly how I feel.

She told me that she would get the ball rolling for me - that she would talk to three open minded doctors so that they could all coordinate together - a bone doctor, an endo, and a blood doctor.  With all three doctors monitoring me and sharing information, they should be able to help me manage my risk of deadly blood clots as well as my osteoporosis (which my doctor admitted should be repaired once on HRT again).

I'm staying cautiously optimistic that this will work.  I'll be going on the lowest dose of estrogen possible to maintain my bone density and minimize my blood clot risk.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed this all works out for the best!


  1. You'll be super sexy!(judging by your photo in your profile) Everything will be well! You look better before hormones than I do after almost 4 months of them and I'm 18! So all the luck for you! =)

  2. I'm very sorry for any confusion, but the picture is my real life look alike, Daniel Sea. Thank you for the well wishes though. I was on hormones for many years before having to go off of them, so their effects on me are mostly complete. I just need to get my sane mental state back!

  3. It's okay, if he is your look alike it still means that you look good. =) As for myself I can say that I'm crazy scared of blood clotting, because I'm afraid that if I'll have one, my endocrinologist will stop giving me hormone prescriptions. So yes..I can feel your pain too. =)
