Friday, November 23, 2012

My Addictions

I realized something sort of profound recently - at least profound to me.  If you ask anyone who knows me, I have almost always been an avid soda drinker.  I never really considered why, just that I really liked them and I was thirsty often.  I didn't really need them for energy, so whether they were caffeinated or not wasn't really important.

Despite the presence of caffeine, I was an addict.  I'd drink an average of 3 a day, 5 when getting together with friends.  If I went even one day without a Coke, I became audible about needing one.  After I got the news about GID being removed from the DSM, I began drinking even more.  In fact, the week leading up to my major change, I was drinking an average of 6 a day and actually drank 10 the day before I started this new path.

I realize now that the sodas provided an endorphin/dopamine release.  I was literally using them to reduce stress and anxiety.  It was, at times, the only thing that made me feel good.  I think all of us have heard of trans people who dealt with their gender dysphoria by drinking alcohol or using drugs.  I never associated my own behaviors with drug use, but they were in fact, similar.  I've never drank alcohol or used illegal drugs, so I suppose sodas were the closest I got, but they served the same purpose for me - to reduce anxiety.

It's amazing that since I started this new path, I haven't had a single Coke - not a single soda at all and only really felt a desire for one yesterday when I was feeling rather depressed over my temporary lack of progression.

I never thought that my excessive soda drinking was tied to my dysphoria, but I really believe it was.  It just goes to show how pervasive this problem is and how many facets of my life it has reached into.  I can only hope my current goal and choices will lead to a life less riddled with dysphoric despair.

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